Friday, August 24, 2012

Twin Sisters - Dallas, Highland Park, Rockwall, Lakewood and Sunnyvale Portrait Photography

This is one of my favorite images of 2012, and my career as a portrait photographer. These poor girls were not liking the Texas heat much, and had about all of the fun they were going to. As we were wrapping up, I spotted this area and asked mom to try one more time. A few treats, some juice and a short break left them with about 5 minutes of energy, and this was one of the last frames I snapped as we were deciding to call it quits. This was not posed other than one sister was already sitting in the chair. You only get a split second for shots like this because the moment passes as quick as it came. I was EXTREMELY PROUD to deliver a large canvas of this image to their parents.

Olivia - First birthday portrait session sneek peek - Dallas, Ft. Worth, Highland Park, University Park portrait photographer

I can't wait to post all of the images from this session. It was hands down the sweetest 1 yr old Birthday session I have ever photographed. She was a trooper and always had a smile, or hilarious gesture for the camera! Highland Park was a perfect partially overcast, mixed with some bearable temps for this time of year, so we captured all we could before the light gave out on us! Look for more to come in the next couple of weeks!