Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Having Fun, Part 2.

     One of the greatest things about my work, is choosing who I work with, or more accurately, who I choose to work for me. My oldest son Seth is quite a character, but incredibly smart for his age (6 yrs old). I have already started teaching him little things about the basics, and he knows enough of my jargon with regards to lighting to be a pretty decent assistant too. Pictured here is his last assignment as a VALS   ( voice activated light stand ). These things are great! You tell the light stand to move back a foot, and it does! Move 45 deg. camera right... Already done! In this setup, he is a 40 lb. sandbag that I don't have to lug around on location.

    There is a downside though.... Maintenance costs and salary. Most kids his age would be fine with a couple of bucks for a morning of light duty responsibilities, but not Seth. He informed me he HAD to have $50 for the 2 hours he put in on the shoot! He is a shrewd negotiator but I have him down to $5 right now and possibly a trip to a pizza buffet, we will see if that's a deal breaker or not. Fortunately his younger brother is much less demanding. Unfortunately he is much less attentive and therefore not as much help. It's not his fault, he is only 5, but I know he will be a great asset one day soon like his brother. Even as young as they are, I could not imagine my business not involving my family. If my wife would only let me have more freedom with the business checking account though, I might be a bit happier than I am now!

    Here are some shots I took of the kids on that location ( The Dallas Arboretum ) Seth was helping at. They make great models as well!




Saturday, October 10, 2009

Having fun at what I am doing.

I have had more jobs than I care to count a few jobs. None were anything special, only a couple even peaked my interest enough to actually like going in for a short amount of time. Tonight reminded me why I like photography SO much, and it's not a "job". Sure I am the boss- but don't tell Tamara, and I try not to schedule much before 9am so I can sleep in more, but I genuinely have fun and look forward to taking pictures. Even when things do not go as planned, paying customers are scarce, and people criticize me about something (there is ALWAYS someone who thinks a photography business is only taking pictures and they will gladly tell you how they would do it better, but they have never ran ANY business themselves), I still get up in the middle of the day morning wanting to do what I do.

Tonight was a great shoot at a kid's sports homecoming dance. The theme was Halloween, everyone dressed up and I was fortunate enough to have several of them stand in front of my camera. What other job can I take my kids and lovely wife with me to work, have fun with them and occasionally make money while doing so? No other job I have had can offer me that. So even if the money isn't what I wanted it to be, I still have the greatest job in the world!

J Photography